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[Upcoming Event] 2018 Presentation of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities at Academia Sinica (September 27)

Posted on: 2018/09/19
Posted by: Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures
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The Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures (ASCDC) continues the national legacy of cyberinfrastructure initiated in the 1980s by expanding digital resources and make them easier and friendlier for more people to use. So far around 560 million data have been set up in over 760 websites. In the spirit of open access and cross-disciplinary co-creation, ASCDC drives research in the digital humanities and creative work in new media by drawing on the synergies of governmental initiative, academic scholarship, and cultural industry. It seeks to find new modes of storytelling, interpretation, and transmission such that the “democratization” and “globalization” of digital culture will come into fruition.


To find out about the latest development, please join us at the 2018 Presentation of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities at Academia Sinica. We are keen on knowing what you make of the projects.


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