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[Call for Papers] Deadline Extended!The Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities 2014

Posted on: 2014/06/30
Posted by: Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures
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Crossover & Transformation
The 5th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities 2014

Date:  December 1-2, 2014 Conference
Venue:  International Conference Hall, Humanities & Social Sciences Building (HSSB), Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Website:  http://www.dadh-record.digital.ntu.edu.tw/Scope.php?LangType=en&His=EKALM
Organizers:  Academia Sinica Digital Center Research
  Center for Digital Humanities, National Taiwan University



Digital Humanities refers to the practice of humanities research with digital resources and information technology. The interdisciplinary nature of digital humanities enables researchers examining new methodology, defining new research issues, discovering new context between quantity data, and exploring how the humanities may evolve. The emergence of Digital Humanities has not only transformed the practice of academic research. With equally importance, digital humanities also aims to endeavor a nuanced and critical understanding of how digital technology shapes our society, inspires innovation, and creates new life style in the digital era.


This conference is thus organized to engage more researchers to participate in the ongoing dialogs that will eventually lead to encourage collective projects, to stimulate more new research themes, and ultimately to contribute to the growth and flourishing of the global research community of Digital Humanities.


Topics of interest

We invite submissions of abstracts relating (but not limited) to the following aspects of digital humanities:

  1. Development of digital technologies and their applications to help advancing humanities studies (including digital media, data mining, software design, andmodeling, etc.).
  2. Interdisciplinary research and humanistic research in literature studies, linguistics, culture, and history that are conducted with the use of digital data or digital technology.
  3. Research related to the impact of digital technologies on social, institutional, and linguistic aspects, as well as its impact on globalization and multiculturalism.
  4. Innovative forms of digital arts such as music, film and theatre; and digital applications such as digital design and new media.


Submission Guidelines

  1. The call for papers is open for all who are interested. 
  2. All submissions are to be done online (website: http://www.dadh.digital.ntu.edu.tw/up_index.php?LangType=en).
  3. Submitted abstracts should include title, an abstract of 1,000-3,000 words, 5 keywords, as well as the author’s name, affiliation & position, contact number, mailing address, and email. The papers will be reviewed. Authors of accepted abstracts will be required to submit the full papers by September 30, 2014.
  4. Important Dates: 
    • Abstract Submission Deadline is midnight Taiwan time, July 15, 2014.
    • Notification of Acceptance will be send on August 1, 2014.
  5. Publications: A Conference Proceeding will be distributed during the conference. The authors of the accepted papers will be invited to submit a revised version after the conference. If accepted, it will be included in the Series on Digital Humanities v. 6. published by the National Taiwan University Press. 



Admission to the conference is free, but registration on-line is required. The online registration system will be open from October 1, 2014.


Contact Information

Research Center for Digital Humanities, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Address: No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan

Contact:Ms. Yi-chun Chen

Tel: 886-2-33669847




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