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2017 Taiwan Encyclopedia of Life Workshop (Urban Naturalist - Autumn Series, 10/28)

Posted on: 2017/10/17
Posted by: Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures



The workshop will be held on October 28, welcome to join us !


2017 Taiwan Encyclopedia of Life Workshop (Urban Naturalist - Autumn Series)

  • ​Organizer: Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures / National Taiwan Museum /Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica
  • Adviser: Academia Sinica / Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan / Ministry of Culture
  • Date: October 28, 2017(Saturday)
  • Time: 09:30-17:00
  • Location: 3F, Brief Room, Landbank Exhibition Hall, National Taiwan Museum 
  • Ages: general public & kids (recommended grade 3 or above)
  • Speakers:
    • Dr. Tsai, Meng-Ying (Ph.D., Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, National Taiwan University)
    • Mr. Huang, Shih-Jie (Natural Science Writer)
    • Dr. Li, Hou-Feng (Associate Professor, Laboratory of Urban Entomology, Department of Entomology, National Chung Hsing University)
    • Dr. Chung, Kuo-Fang (Associate Research Fellow, Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica)
  • About the workshop :

Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) launched in 2007. It is an international online collaborative encyclopedia, which intends to document 1.8 million species on the earth by means of displaying one species for one webpage.  The EOL image and video collection is now open to the general public. In Taiwan, there are more than 59,000 species recorded officially, including more than eight thousand endemic species. We are very proud of having such rich biological resources in Taiwan. Followed by the environmental awareness and citizen scientists engagement on the rise worldwide, Taiwan Encyclopedia of Life (TaiEOL) was also launched in 2011.
This workshop aims to help the public to operate Taiwan Encyclopedia of Life online platform and encourage our local specialists and amateurs to work together on collecting and sharing biodiversity information. In this workshop, we will introduce the ongoing project of Taiwan Encyclopedia of Life and explain how creative commons are adopted in this project. We also invite specialists to share their experiences on filed observation, environmental photography, biodiversity database implementation, and case study on public participation. By the end of this workshop, we are hoping to recruit more volunteer citizen scientists for the project.



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