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PNC 2016 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings-Call for Your Participation!

Posted on: 2016/07/01
Posted by: Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures
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PNC 2016 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings

Date: August 16th-18th, 2016

Venue: The Getty Center, Los Angeles, California

Main Theme: Does Data Construct Reality?

Website: www.pnclink.org/pnc2016

Online Registration: www.pnclink.org/pnc2016/registration.html

Please refer to the information of keynote sessions in the attachment.


About PNC

The Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) was founded at the University of California, Berkeley. Universities and Institutions committed to sharing academic information resources. In 1997, the administrative operations were transferred to the Academia Sinica, Taiwan, a leading academic institution in Asia. Since then, PNC has encouraged scholars, academic institutions, and universities to collaborate and exchange their academic resources and research expertise through annual conferences, which have been held in many countries for 18 consecutive years.


The PNC supports enhanced research and education through effective use of new technologies. Improved scholarly communication, information exchange, and collaborative research among the nations of the Pacific Rim create a shared vision of researchers and educators united not only in space but as part of a virtual scholarly community.


The mission of the Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) is to facilitate information exchanges among institutions of higher education in the Pacific Rim through computing and communications technology. PNC explores issues of information and technology exchange, interdisciplinary collaboration, and the development of the cultural knowledge contents. In fostering access to digitized data on the Pacific Rim, the PNC serves as a portal for access to digital research. It helps scholars to find the library, archive, and museum materials needed to support both teaching and research. The ultimate goal is to enable scholars to regard themselves, not as separated by vast distances, but as residents of a virtual neighborhood.



PNC Secretariat

Tel: +886-2-2789-8894 

Fax: +886-2-2788-5259

E-mail: pnc@sinica.edu.tw




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