7th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities 2016
Digital Scholars, an emerging profession?
December 1-3, 2016
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
In the past few decades, the digitization of cultural heritage has become an integral part of cultural preservation and social development. More and more humanities disciplines and scholars also acknowledge digital humanities as a critical component in research and education. Starting from research centers on digital humanities, many universities are also developing educational programs, degrees, and departments on digital humanities. However, does this imply the arrival of digital scholarship as a new paradigm?
The theme of this year’s conference is “Digital Scholar, an emerging profession?”. We wish to explore the knowledge nature of digital humanities: how it is defined, created, disseminated through the dialogues between humanities and digital technology; how the communities are formed; how the researchers are and should be evaluated and recognized by the scholarly community at large; how and whether digital humanities, as a discipline, is emerging.
【Call for Papers】
Topics of interest
We invite submissions of abstracts relating (but not limited) to the following aspects of digital humanities:
- Development of digital technologies and their applications to help advancing humanities studies.
- Interdisciplinary research and humanistic research in literature studies, linguistics, culture, and history that are conducted with digital data and technology.
- Impact of digital technologies on social, institutional, and cultural aspects, as well as its impact on globalization and multiculturalism.
- Dialogue and mutual impact between traditional humanities disciplines and digital humanities.
- Impact of digital humanities on humanities education.
- Other DH-related topics.
Forms of Presentations
- Posters
- Full papers
- Multiple paper sessions and panels (including 3 full papers[at least 3000 words for each paper] + approximately 1000-word overview)
Submission Guidelines
- All submissions are to be done online (website: http://www.dadh-record.digital.ntu.edu.tw/up_index.php?LangType=en&His=BHUGF ).
- Submitted abstracts should include title, an abstract of 1,000-3,000 words, 3-5 keywords, as well as the author’s name, affiliation & position, contact number, and email. The papers will be reviewed. Authors of accepted abstracts will be required to submit the full papers by October 1, 2016.
Important Dates
- Abstract Submission Deadline: Midnight Taiwan time, July 15, 2016.
- Notification of Acceptance: August 15, 2016.
【Conference Secretariat】
Research Center for Digital Humanities, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Tel: 886‐2‐33669846
Email: dadhic@gmail.com
Address:No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan