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PNC 2016 Online Paper and Poster Submission is now open (-4/22)

Posted on: 2016/03/16
Posted by: Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures



PNC 2016 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings

Main Theme: Does Data Construct Reality?

Time: August 16-18, 2016 (Tuesday - Thursday)

Venue: The Getty Center, Los Angeles, California, USA

Website: http://www.pnclink.org/


It is with great pleasure to announce the 2016 Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) Annual Conference and Joint Meetings will take place at the Getty Center, Los Angeles, California, USA. The conference will be held between August 16th to August 18th. The main theme of this year is: "Does Data Construct Reality?" Submission Topics Include but Not Limited to:


  1. Digital Documentation:
    1.1 Annotation (Texts/Images/Videos)
    1.2 Data Curation/Digital Curation and Preservation
    1.3 Data Science
    1.4 Digital Cultural Heritage
    1.5 Ethics of Value-Based Interpretation of Data
    1.6 Geospatial Information Systems (GIS)

  2. Reconstructing & Recontextualizing:
    2.1 Image Analysis
    2.2 Knowledge Representation and Processing
    2.3 Ontologies and Knowledge Organization Systems
    2.4 Semantic Web and Visible/Deep Web
    2.5 Text Encoding
    2.6 Text Mining

  3. Representation of (Virtual) Reality:
    3.1 Data Visualization
    3.2 Digital Publishing
    3.3 Digital Storytelling
    3.4 New Media
    3.5 Validity of Interpretations of Data

  4. Open Access & Accessibility:
    4.1 Dissemination
    4.2 Intellectual Property and Copyright
    4.3 Linked (Open) Data and its Applications
    4.4 Open Data
    4.5 Privacy
    4.6 Security

  5. Digital Humanities/Social Sciences:
    5.1 Digital Art History
    5.2 Digital Museums
    5.3 Digital Libraries
    5.4 Digital Archives
    5.5 Archaeology
    5.6 Linguistics
    5.7 Area Studies
    5.8 Cultural Heritage
    5.9 Literature
    5.10 Spatial History

  6. Digital Society
    6.1 e-Science & e-Learning
    6.2 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
    6.3 Social Media & Social Networks
    6.4 Digital Divide
    6.5 Digital Scholarship
    6.6 Smart Living/Smart City & Internet of Things (IOT)
    6.7 Cross-fertilization

  7. Biodiversity & Sustainability
    7.1 Climate Change
    7.2 Disaster Management

  8. Users and Usability; Reaching and Serving Users, and Measuring Success
    8.1 Metrics for Web and Social Media Resource
    8.2 The Role of Usability Studies and Focus Group
    8.3 Design Thinking and Iterative Design


*Important Dates:

Submission Deadline:April_22

Acceptance Notification: May_16 

Submission Link: http://pnclink.org/PNC/2016/signin.html



PNC Secretariats

Tel: +886-2-2789-8894

Email: pnc@sinica.edu.tw


About PNC

The Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) supports enhanced research and education through effective use of new technologies. Improved scholarly communication, information exchange, and collaborative research among the nations of the Pacific Rim creates a shared vision of researchers and educators united not only in space but as part of a virtual scholarly community.


The PNC was founded at the University of California, Berkeley. Universities and Institutions committed to sharing academic information resources. In 1997, the administrative operations were transferred to the Academia SInica, Taiwan, a leading academic institution in Asia.


In the past ten years, PNC encourages scholars, academic institutions, and universities to collaborate and exchange their academic resources and research expertise. Academia Sinica's powerful networking infrastructure and information technology support a rage of international interdisciplinary programs across the Pacific Rim, enhancing effective utilization of research resources.


The mission of the Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) is to facilitate information exchanges among institutions of higher education in the Pacific Rim through computing and communications technology. PNC explores issues of information and technology exchange, interdisciplinary collaboration, and the development of the cultural knowledge contents. In fostering access to digitized data on the Pacific Rim, the PNC serves as a portal for access to digital research. It helps scholars to find the library, archive, and museum materials needed to support both teaching and research. The ultimate goal is to enable scholars to regard themselves, not as separated by vast distances, but as residents of a virtual neighborhood. See more about PNC .



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