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2015 Joint Workshop on Open Data Research (3/20)

Posted on: 2015/03/09
Posted by: Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures
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The 2015 Joint Workshop on Open Data Research --- jointly organized by Academia Sinica (Taiwan), Open Data Institute (UK), and the British Trade and Culture Office in Taiwan --- will be held on March 20, 2015 at Academia Sinica in Taipei. The goal of the workshop is to promote the exchange of ideas, practices, and perspectives about open data, in particluar in the context of research and development. Speakers and panelists from UK and Taiwan will present and discusss case studies, best practices, and research projects. All are invited to take part in the workshop. It is hoped that by engaging the various research and technical communities in Taiwan, UK, and worldwide, this event will help enable further open data research opportunities and connections.


You are much encouraged to participate in the workshop if you are or will be working on datasets released by others to the public for reuse. If you have been or are considering releasing your datasets to the public, you have more the reason to participate. Developers, researchers, students, and citizens, you are all welcomed. Let us all learn from one another to help shape open data practices.


The planning of this event has been helped by Open Source Software Foundry and Creative Commons Taiwan, two projects hosted at the Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, Academia Sinica.


More details about the 2015 Joint Workshop on Open Data Research can be found at the following:


  • Date: 2015-03-20
  • Venue: http://odw.tw/en/location
  • Programme: http://odw.tw/en/programme
  • Registration: http://odw.tw/en/registration 





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