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[International Conference] Chang Lung-chih Will Visit the 11th International Convention of Asian Scholars in the Netherlands to Present a Paper on Exploring Japanese Colonial Taiwan Elite Yang Zhaojia's Social Network (July 15-19)

Posted on: 2019/07/08
Posted by: Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures
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Chang Lung-chih, director of the Preliminary Study of Elite Networks in Japanese Colonial Taiwan: the Case of Yang Zhaojia (1872-1976) and the Institute of Taiwan History Diary Knowledge Bank Project will travel to the Netherlands from July 15 to 19, to present his paper, "The Cultural Nexus of Modern Taiwanese Intellectuals: the Case of Yang Zhaojia (1892-1976)" at the 11th International Convention of Asian Scholars (ICAS). 


This project falls under the second project type in the Academia Sinica's Digital Archives and Digital Humanities Research Project. It chiefly aims to integrate the digitized texts in the Institute of Taiwan History's Diary Knowledge Bank with the Digital Humanities Research Platform developed by the Center for Digital Cultures. In addition, in view of social network analysis theories, it attempts to investigate the social network of Japanese colonial Taiwan elite Yang Zhaojia and his contemporaries, with particular focus on how networks of social relations shaped their political movements and cultural sponsorship activities. 


A related paper will be presented at the Historical Ruptures and Social Networks: The Study of Taiwanese Intellectuals and Local Elites Across 1945 Panel, on July 18.


Besides introducing the functions of the Academia Sinica Digital Humanities Research Platform and the contents of the Diary Knowledge Bank, Chang Lung-chih will also use Yang Zhaojia's social network as a research model to share his past half-year of practical experience. The paper will use 1920s sociopolitical movement organizations such as the Taiwan Cultural Association, Taiwanese People's Party, and Taiwan Autonomy Alliance as examples to explain the political society, economic relations, and cultural activity networks of Taiwanese local elites at that time, as well as investigate the influences and concrete trends behind regional analyses, educational background, marriage ties, and social gathering activities. 


The 11th International Convention of Asian Scholars attracts Asian studies scholars from over 70 countries to engage in global dialogues on Asia that transcend academic disciplines and geographic boundaries. Events include specialist panels and roundtable discussions, special topic lectures, craft exhibitions, a film and documentary festival, and the 2nd Asian Studies Book Fair.  


Chang Lung-chih has applied new digital humanities techniques to the study of elite society in Taiwan. Through the presentation of this paper, he hopes to promote interest and recognition from the international academic community toward our institute's research achievements, and thereby improve chances for future cooperation.



11th International Convention of Asian Scholars (ICAS)

Date: 15th to 19th July, 2019

Location: Leiden University, The Netherlands 

Organized by: The International Institute for Asian Studies,

Leiden University,

GIS Asie (French Academic Network for Asian Studies)              


Related Links:

Preliminary Study of Elite Networks in Japanese Colonial Taiwan: the Case of ITH Diary Knowledge Bank

Taiwan Diary Knowledge Bank

Academia Sinica Digital Humanities Research Platform



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