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[Upcoming Event] Roaming in Fantasy: Creative Comic Collection Exhibit at the 2019 Taipei International Book Exhibition

Posted on: 2019/02/02
Posted by: Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures



Dr Chang Che-chia, deputy director of the ASCDC (second from the right, rear row); Chen Ying-fang, chief of the Division of Humanities and Publications at the Ministry of Culture (fifth from the right, rear row); Zhao Zheng-min, president of the Taipei Book Fair Foundation (third from the right, rear row); Mr Micheal McCulloch, representative from the Canadian Trade Office in Taipei, and Mr Nicolas Bauquet, chief of Service de coopération et d'action culturelle at Bureau Français de Taipei attend the press conference of the 2019 Taipei International Book Exhibition.Dr Chang Che-chia, deputy director of the ASCDC, points out highlights of Roaming in Fantasy: CCC Exhibit to the press.Chen Ying-fang, chief of the Division of Humanities and Publications at the Ministry of Culture, gives her remarks.Zhao Zheng-min, president of the Taipei Book Fair Foundation, gives his remarks.


Dates: February 12-17, 2019

Location: Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1 (No.5, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan )

Opening hours: 10:00-20:00

Supervised by: Academia Sinica, Ministry of culture

Organized by: Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures,

Taipei Book Fair Foundation

Co-organized by: ACER

Other partners: Gaea Books, Tohan Co., Kiwing Co.,

Kent Animation Digital Independent Production, Inc.,

Kadokawa International Edutainment, Maokong Tonghao Society

Project: Creative Comic Collection Publication Project II, Ministry of Culture


The use of new media opens up multiple possibilities for reading. After its January opening at Taiwan Comic Base, Roaming in Fantasy: Creative Comic Collection Exhibit will take place again at the 2019 Taipei International Book Exhibition. In addition to the AR theater that presents scenes in Scrolls of a Northern City with live projections of the manga's characters, the book fair edition of the exhibit features aspects of Walking into Taipei's Past and Present and other classics of Creative Comic Collection (CCC).


Starting with one of the CCC classics, The Summer Temple Fair is a coming-of-age narrative of a young man who travels back to his native province to take part in a religious festival in celebration of the birthday of Guan Yu, traditionally worshiped as the war god by the Chinese. There will be a section where you get to hear adaptations of the Beiguan folk music played by Shengxiang Band and have a sense of what it is like to be part of the temple fair. There will be motion sensors to enable the time-honored vibes.


VR highlight at the exhibit: Love at the Scooter Cascade by Li Lung-chieh, winner of the 9th Golden Comic Awards, thrusts you into the rush hours in Taipei, where phalanxes of scooters would cross the bridge and form an imposing "cascade" night and day.


AR counterpart: Recreating Old Taipei deploys interactive touch panel and resources from the Taiwan Digital Asset Library developed by the Ministry of Culture to recreate seven major historic buildings of the city, including the West Gate (Ximen), the third-generation Taipei Train Station, the Higashi Hongan temple, Formosa Railway Hotel, Tamsui Theater, Kikumoto department store, and Zhonghua shopping mall.


Not to mention the AR period teahouse from Scrolls of a Northern City powered by Apple ARKit 2. You will be greeted by Minghu, one of the characters in the story accompanied by Taiwan's first Vtuber singer i.e. virtual youtuber, KON, to animate the scene.


To celebrate the 10th anniversary of CCC, there will be a section that tells the magazine's story through an interactive bookshelf equipped with a touch panel to showcase copies of CCC publication form various periods and the 2018 review of Taiwan manga.


Roaming in Fantasy is a must-see at the Taipei International Book Exhibition, one of the major cultural events in east Asia, for it bespeaks Taiwan's energy and potentials as an embryo for the IP industry. Explore how technology, manga art, and local culture are wedded together to drive the impact.


Do not miss

Scrolls of a Northern City

    AR theater & period teahouse animated by Vtuber KON

Summer Temple Fair

  Folk religion festival turned into a musical remix of sights and sounds

Love at the Scooter Cascade

  VR recreation of rush hours with throngs of scooters

Recreating Old Taipei

  Showcase of major historic buildings of Taipei

CCC 10th Anniversary

    Interactive bookshelf to display 10 years of manga publication and 2018 manga review 



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