太平洋鄰里協會(Pacific Neighborhood Consortium, PNC)2016年年會暨聯合會議大會論文摘要(Call for Papers)及學術海報徵求活動(Call for Posters)自即日起開始至2016年4月22日截止,歡迎針對相關主題踴躍參加。
地點:蓋蒂中心 (The Getty Center, Los Angeles, California)
主題:Does Data Construct Reality?
- 大會論文摘要 Call for Papers
- 學術海報 Call for Posters
- Digital Documentation
1.1 Annotation (Texts/Images/Videos)
1.2 Data Curation / Digital Curation and Preservation
1.3 Data Science
1.4 Digital Cultural Heritage
1.5 Ethics of Value-Based Interpretation of Data
1.6 Geospatial Information Systems (GIS)
- Reconstructing & Recontextualizing
2.1 Image Analysis
2.2 Knowledge Representation and Processing
2.3 Ontologies and Knowledge Organization Systems
2.4 Semantic Web and Visible/Deep Web
2.5 Text Encoding
2.6 Text Mining
- Representation of (Virtual) Reality
3.1 Data Visualization
3.2 Digital Publishing
3.3 Digital Storytelling
3.4 New Media
3.5 Validity of Interpretations of Data
- Open Access & Accessibility
4.1 Dissemination
4.2 Intellectual Property and Copyright
4.3 Linked (Open) Data and its Applications
4.4 Open Data
4.5 Privacy
4.6 Security
- Digital Humanities/Social Sciences
5.1 Digital Art History
5.2 Digital Museums
5.3 Digital Libraries
5.4 Digital Archives
5.5 Archaeology
5.6 Linguistics
5.7 Area Studies
5.8 Cultural Heritage
5.9 Literature
5.10 Spatial History
- Digital Society
6.1 e-Science & e-Learning
6.2 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
6.3 Social Media & Social Networks
6.4 Digital Divide
6.5 Digital Scholarship
6.6 Smart Living/Smart City & Internet of Things (IOT)
6.7 Cross-fertilization
- Biodiversity & Sustainability
7.1 Climate Change
7.2 Disaster Management
- Users and Usability; Reaching and Serving Users, and Measuring Success
8.1 Metrics for Web and Social Media Resources
8.2 The Role of Usability Studies and Focus Groups
8.3 Design Thinking and Iterative Design
E-mail: pnc@sinica.edu.tw
Tel: (02) 2789-8894
太平洋鄰里協會(Pacific Neighborhood Consortium,以下簡稱PNC)源起於太平洋鄰近國家協助計畫,由太平洋周邊國家公立大學校長聯合會產生。由已故前加州大學柏克萊分校田長霖校長及該校哈迪克教授(Professor Curtis Hardyck)發起並正式命名。