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發佈者: 中央研究院數位文化中心



太平洋鄰里協會(Pacific Neighborhood Consortium, PNC)2023年年會暨聯合會議大會學術發表論文暨海報徵求活動(Call for Papers and Posters)至5月31日(週三)截止,歡迎針對相關主題踴躍參加。





主題:巨變—全球人文、科學及商業的更新、革新與解決之道(Sea Change: Renewal, Reform and Resolve in Global Arts, Sciences, and Business)

PNC 2023年會網址:https://sites.google.com/view/pnc2023 



  1. 論文發表:摘要1頁。若希望發表論文經過審查並收錄於PNC 2023大會論文集上傳至IEEE Xplore Digital Library者,敬請投稿論文全文(6-8頁)。
  2. 海報競賽與展示
    • 海報競賽:摘要1頁。參加者須於會場介紹作品,由評審委員評分後選出優勝者。
    • 海報展示:摘要1頁。海報作品將於會場展示。





IEEE Camera-ready投稿截止日期:2023年8月1日(二)




1. Sea Change: Spaces and Places Rethought and Renewed
    1.1 Fluidity and Liminality in Maritime Studies
    1.2 "The Region" in Regional Studies and "the Area" in Area Studies
    1.3 Spatial Analysis and GIS
    1.4 Digital Sinology
    1.5 Holographic/Volumetric Video Broadcast/Capture
    1.6 Virtual, Augmented, and Other Mediated Realities

2. Sea Change in Techniques and Technologies of Cultural Memory

    2.1 Digital Libraries
    2.2 Digital Museums
    2.3 Digital Archives
    2.4 Digital Heritage 

3. Reform of Pedagogy and the Liberal Arts

    3.1 Classrooms of the Future 
    3.2 The Technologies of Learning and Teaching
    3.3 Information Literacy and the Pedagogy of Teaching Technology
    3.4 Language Teaching and Learning
    3.5 Machine Translation / Machine Composition
    3.6 Deep Learning, Deep Time, and Deep Fakes
    3.7 The Technologies of History, Literature, and Philosophy
    3.8 The History, Literature, and Philosophy of Technologies
    3.9 The Tools of Archeology and the Archeology of Tools

4. Socio-cultural Data in a Post-pandemic World

    4.1 Socio-cultural Data and Machine Intelligence
    4.2 Digitaltwins and Mirrorworlds as Socio-cultural Data
    4.3 Imaging Technics, Digital Reproduction, and Digital Replicas

5. Innovating Businesses in a Post-Pandemic World

    5.1 Supply Chains
    5.2 Blockchains
    5.3 The Metaverse
    5.4 Cryptocurrencies
    5.5 DAOs and the DAO (道)
    5.6 The Business of Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence in Business
    5.7 Business Analytics and the Business of Data Curation
    5.8 Social Media and Business Ethics

6. Sea Change: Innovation Reform and Renewal in Sciences, Health, and Wellness

    6.1 Climate Change and the Changing Seas
    6.2 Biodiversity Studies
    6.3 Sustainable Agriculture
    6.4 E-health and Wellness Studies
    6.5 Mindfulness in an Era of Digital Reproduction
    6.6 AI in Healthcare



Email: pnc@gate.sinica.edu.tw

Tel: (02)2652-1885分機309或306



太平洋鄰里協會(Pacific Neighborhood Consortium,以下簡稱PNC)成立的宗旨為推廣網際網路及透過先進的網路技術促進太平洋沿岸地區國家資訊的交換及流通,使各國成為生活密切相關的近鄰,將太平洋沿岸地區轉變為太平洋鄰里。PNC藉由集合此地區電子研究資源,成為進入此區域電子資源的入口,協助學者及研究人員能夠更加便捷地使用數位圖書館、數位典藏、數位博物館的資源以支援其教學及研究,並透過相互的溝通與交流形成區域性的研究社群。









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